Kagura Bachi is a new manga series by Takeru Hokazono, serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump. The story revolves around Chihiro Rokuhira, a young swordsman who is driven by revenge after his father’s death. Chihiro inherits his father’s blade-forging skills, which are central to the plot as he battles various foes in a dark, fantastical world filled with sorcery and swords. The manga blends elements of traditional samurai action with supernatural themes, making it a unique addition to the shonen genre. Chihiro’s journey is marked by intense combat, moral dilemmas, and the quest for justice, with each chapter unraveling deeper layers of his past and the world he inhabits.
The series has garnered attention for its detailed artwork, dynamic fight scenes, and the mysterious elements that keep readers hooked. With its combination of a compelling protagonist and a richly built world, “Kagura Bachi” has quickly gained a following among manga enthusiasts.